Credit Unions: Get the *$%& Out Of the Way How do you take a company in transition (or a fledgling credit union) and transform it into a force to be reckoned with? The CEO of T-Mobile has a few ideas. When John Legere took over T-Mobile’s top spot five years ago, the AT&T merger had just collapsed and the company was losing customers left and right. They had no iPhone, no LTE, and they were ranked fourth (out of four) in customer service and market share. But rather than throwing up his hands or looking for scapegoats, Legere accomplished what many experts considered impossible. Not only did he salvage a wireless company that many had written off, he built a brand that has AT&T and Verizon scrambling to stay competitive. Today, many credit unions find themselves in the same boat T-Mobile was rowing just five years ago. “Will we survive? Can we survive?” The answer to both questions is yes. However, that survival may require uncomfortable steps like changing leadership...
“Great things happen when credit unions serving first responders come together. Our face-to-face and online interaction is the platform where collaboration begins, and GREAT ideas are generated”