Fire Family Foundation Hosts Sixth Annual Fire Boot Classic on Saturday April 27th Charity Event Supports Firefighters Published: Thursday, April 25, 2019 | 2:25 PM Firefighters… They risk their lives every day to protect their community … “to protect us, our lives and our property. They are men and women like you and me, yet, they serve… every day to ensure that we are safe.” Their commitment to helping others is second to none. With all of the devastating fires the past few years, many firefighters lost their homes while helping to save so many others. On April 27, 2019, Fire Family Foundation is hosting its 6th Annual Fire Boot Classic Charity Event at the London Hotel in West Hollywood. This event is a Casino Night and Poker Tournament, with Drinks, Dining, a Silent Auction, Live Auction, and Fun! The funds raised from this event will support the Firefighter Relief fund that provides financial assistance to firefighters and their families in times of need. ...
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