At the end of every year, we all take time to reflect and take stock of where we find ourselves. 2020 will be a year to remember, filled with challenges that have tested our resolve and problem-solving abilities. As the National Council of Firefighter Credit Unions Inc (NCOFCU) leaders continue to navigate rapidly changing conditions that impact our ability to meet our members' expectations and needs. It's clear that our firefighter, first-responder credit union's resilience is on full display. Our firefighter and first-responder credit unions have become nimbler and more adaptive during this crisis. They have exhibited tremendous perseverance in serving workers on the front lines of this pandemic. We must take this time to celebrate and be proud of our community. Ultimately, our fortitude and our collective purpose – firmly rooted in our need for connection, for answers, for personal growth – will see us through this pandemic and beyond. As 2020 comes to an end, we th...
“Great things happen when credit unions serving first responders come together. Our face-to-face and online interaction is the platform where collaboration begins, and GREAT ideas are generated”