OFAC Search Tool; NCUA OSCUI Training; NAFCU Member Call-In:
Written by Sarah Zimmermann
- OFAC has announced the release of SDN Search. This is an online search tool that allows the user to search the SDN list. Of course OFAC maintains in the fine print that searches are conducted at the risk of the user and use of the tool does not constitute an official confirmation on its part of the existence (or nonexistence) of a match.
- NCUA's Office of Small Credit Union Initiatives (OSCUI) has announced its first free training video. OSCUI is planning a series of training videos, and this is the first in the series. This video is a bit of an overview of the role of the office within NCUA, and various programs that are available to small credit unions. The announcement details how credit unions may access the video, online or via DVD.
- NAFCU held its year-end member call-in yesterday. The call-in is free for members and is a great way to catch up on what NAFCU is up to. If you weren't able to tune in yesterday it will be available on the website in a few days. The call provided legislative, regulatory and economic updates, including a look ahead to what to expect in 2012. Topics included tax reform, Richard Cordray's CFPB nomination blocked by the Senate, MBL and data security legislation; the status and activities of NCUA and the CFPB; and Steve discussed a few hot compliance topics including member online authentication guidelines, ADA and ATMs, and NCUA's advertising rule.
- NAFCU members, our December Compliance Monitor is now available, and includes an article on free checking analysis.
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