"Mobile banking is really becoming ubiquitous,"
But the ways in which consumers engage mobile banking is starting to diverge. Smart-phone users expect quick interfaces for online transactions, while tablet users are more comfortable with transactions that resemble transactions they traditionally conduct on PCs. "When you're on a tablet, it's very comfortable to spend a long time and you want to be able to interact with the program," That means banks and credit unions need better graphical components for mobile tablet banking than smart-phone mobile banking." *** Read More; Mobile Banking: Functionality, Security Top Demands: "
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But the ways in which consumers engage mobile banking is starting to diverge. Smart-phone users expect quick interfaces for online transactions, while tablet users are more comfortable with transactions that resemble transactions they traditionally conduct on PCs. "When you're on a tablet, it's very comfortable to spend a long time and you want to be able to interact with the program," That means banks and credit unions need better graphical components for mobile tablet banking than smart-phone mobile banking." *** Read More; Mobile Banking: Functionality, Security Top Demands: "
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