I don;t normally put these in our blog but I thought you all might find this interesting and concerning!
75% of U.S. citizens ages 17-24 cannot pass military entrance exams because they are not physically fit, have criminal records, or because they lack critical skills needed in modern warfare, including how to locate on a map military theaters in which the U.S. is fulsomely engaged, such as Afghanistan. The CFR Report argues that this egregious knowledge gap will make it increasingly hard to fill the ranks of U.S. foreign service, intelligence, and armed forces. Moreover, contrary to popular belief, the 25% of American students who drop out of high school will not be able to serve in the U.S. military. In addition, 30% of those who do graduate high school still lack the basic math, science, and English competency to pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. ***Read Article; 7 Signs That U.S. Education Decline Is Jeopardizing Its National Security:

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