Is Bluebird coming to a Walmart near you?
Walmart is now advertising their new Bluebird AMX card, to your members, that offers banking services with out being a bank! Watch their video!
Why Bluebird?
Bluebird is brought to you by American Express and
Walmart, giving you:
Walmart, giving you:
The features you want
You can make direct deposits, pay bills online, deposit checks with your iPhone® or AndroidTMdevice, and set up Sub-Accounts — a great new way to manage family spending.
The service you deserve
Our award-winning American Express Customer Service is there for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And it's super easy to open a Bluebird Account since there are no credit reviews.
The value you expect
We believe your money belongs with you. That's why there are no annual, monthly, overdraft, or minimum balance fees.
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