All four nationwide wireless carriers ” AT&T, Verizon, Sprint Nextel and T-Mobile USA” yesterday committed to supporting text to 911 in their networks by May 15, 2014, with "major deployments" expected in 2013.Each of the four carriers signed the agreement with theNational Emergency Number Association (NENA) and theAssociation of Public-Safety Communications Officials(APCO) in a deal that was announced last night."Access to 911 must catch up with how consumers communicate in the 21st century” and today, we are one step closer towards that vital goal," FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski said in a statement....Read More...Carriers Agree to Text to 9-1-1:
The National Credit Union Administration has finalized a rule to improve board and executive succession planning within the credit union industry. This strategic move aims to curb the trend of mergers driven by technological stagnation and poor succession strategies, ensuring more credit unions maintain their independence and enhance their technological capabilities. By Ken McCarthy, Manager of marketing communications at Tyfone Credit unions are merging out of existence because of an inability to invest in technology, the National Credit Union Administration Board wrote when introducing its now finalized rule on board succession planning. The regulator now requires credit unions to establish succession planning for critical positions in their organizations. But it’s likely to have even wider effects, such as preserving more independent charters and shaking up the perspectives of those on credit union boards. “Voluntary mergers can be used to create economies of scale to offer more or ...
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