I am posting this bit of advice to assist you in freeing up your in-box! "But", please keep in mind that NCOFCU is one of the e-mails you want to keep receiving!
E-mail is the worst. Between alerts from Facebook, newsletters from Groupon, reply-all e-mail chains, work brainstorming sessions and social coordinating, the in-box becomes a daunting pit of quicksand. At a certain point, even the most dogged among us give up.
There’s no quick fix. But here are a few ways to tame your in-box.
Tool Kit: How to Lighten the Crush of E-Mail:
E-mail is the worst. Between alerts from Facebook, newsletters from Groupon, reply-all e-mail chains, work brainstorming sessions and social coordinating, the in-box becomes a daunting pit of quicksand. At a certain point, even the most dogged among us give up.
There’s no quick fix. But here are a few ways to tame your in-box.
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