An IPad
Join us Saturday and begin with an “Asset Liability Presentation for Directors” by Lee Chandler of Vining Sparks and finish off the morning with how technology and social media affects your credit union members and how to use it to your benefit. NCOFCU will conclude with its social media networking and how you can keep in-touch and network with the friends you have made at the conference.
The IPad will be awarded concluding this presentation by a drawing of the members present.
Early Bird Special Extended Through July Because of these new additions, we know you won't want to miss, we have extended the early Bird Special through July.
Because of the overwhelming response, hotel rooms at the Westin Copley Plaza Registration are in short supply so please pre-register so you don't have to stay off site. If the conference hotel is full when you try to register, we have made arrangements in a neighboring hotel for you, just contact conference management, Bonnie Slater (508) 429-2121, with how many rooms you may need.
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