WE DID IT! The coalition held its first convention and we had over 150 attendees. There are a lot of people to thank for all their hard work and commitment for a successful event and to start we need to thank the Boston Firefighters Credit Union lead by Bernie Winne. To put on a convention was new to most of our board members and Bernie’s experience proved invaluable to us. Thank you again Bernie.
Looking back at the convention even the weather welcomed us to Boston in a season that is unpredictable. The government with its shut down didn’t stop us from enjoying the multitude of entertainment that Boston has to offer. In your comments it was obvious that we had met and even surpassed your expectations of what the convention should be like. We had good speakers and presenters with time for round table discussions.
On the final day Lyn Lynch from San Diego won the IPad worth over $600.00. At the Friday night dinner we presented our first volunteer of the year award, which went to Pat Engel, he will also receive free registration at next year’s convention. We also commemorated the Percy Riley Jr. Scholarship fund with a plaque that was presented to the Richmond Fire Department Credit Union.
We want to thank our sponsors for their support, and for their gifts that were raffled. As we prepare for the 2014 convention in San Diego our experience in presenting this convention will give us a good format to follow. We have selected the hotel and will now begin our search for speakers and presenters. Now that everyone is back home, mark your calendars for the next NCOFCU Annual Meeting & Conference October 8-11, 2014 San Diego CA.
We welcome your comments and suggestions and hope you will share those thoughts with us either by the web site or a phone call. We want to contribute to your credit union by being a resource center where we can all share our success and failures with each another. It was obvious in our roundtable discussions we have a lot to share with each another. We will be watching on a national level for an opportunity for the coalition to step-up and present itself with support of an event that will give us national recognition. If there is an opportunity for such an action please let us know what is happening in your areas.
The National Credit Union Administration has finalized a rule to improve board and executive succession planning within the credit union industry. This strategic move aims to curb the trend of mergers driven by technological stagnation and poor succession strategies, ensuring more credit unions maintain their independence and enhance their technological capabilities. By Ken McCarthy, Manager of marketing communications at Tyfone Credit unions are merging out of existence because of an inability to invest in technology, the National Credit Union Administration Board wrote when introducing its now finalized rule on board succession planning. The regulator now requires credit unions to establish succession planning for critical positions in their organizations. But it’s likely to have even wider effects, such as preserving more independent charters and shaking up the perspectives of those on credit union boards. “Voluntary mergers can be used to create economies of scale to offer more or ...
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