Since this seems to be an everyday occurrence, I though I would pass this article on to you. I continually receive questions on how to correct this theft and this is where I refer them. It is probably the most complete solution with easy to follow instructions.
Grant Sheehan
Executive Director NCOFCU
Email Hacked? 7 Things You Need to do NOW
Email account theft is rampant. If it happens to you, there are several steps that you need to take not only to recover your account, but to prevent it from being easily hacked again.
It seems like not a day goes by where I don’t get a question from someone that boils down to their email account having been hacked.
Someone, somewhere has gained access to their account and has started using it to send spam. Sometimes passwords are changed, sometimes not. Sometimes traces are left, sometimes not. Sometimes everything in the account is erased, both contacts and saved email, and sometimes not.
Continued at>>>>Email Hacked? 7 Things You Need to do NOW – Ask Leo!
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