A Powerful, Free Video Worth Watching NOTE: Contains replicated violence! May not be suitable for all viewers.
The Department of Homeland Security and the city of Houston have created a very powerful, free, six-minute video on the “Run, Hide, Fight” approach that should be shown to all credit union employees. It is now the legal obligation of employers to provide a safe working environment for employees. By incorporating active shooter training as part of your existing life safety program, you should be able to adopt them with minimal disruption and anxiety to your workforce.
The Department of Homeland Security and the city of Houston have created a very powerful, free, six-minute video on the “Run, Hide, Fight” approach that should be shown to all credit union employees. It is now the legal obligation of employers to provide a safe working environment for employees. By incorporating active shooter training as part of your existing life safety program, you should be able to adopt them with minimal disruption and anxiety to your workforce.
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