After years of waiting, Ohio's firefighters are one step closer to getting better protection against cancer.
Senate bill 27 passed the insurance committee Tuesday morning. It's the fourth time legislation has been introduced but the first time it has ever gotten traction. It would recognize a link between firefighting and cancer.
"A day like today is really the first step in helping those firefighters," Doug Stern with the Ohio Association of Professional Firefighters said. "They kind of go unrecognized for the sacrifice they make when they get these occupational cancers. This is one way that we can honor the sacrifice that those members have made."
A bill that reclassifies a Kentucky firefighter’s cancer death as ‘work-related’ becomes official Tuesday.
Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes says Tuesday she will formally receive and file Senate Bill 195. The General Assembly passed the bill unanimously. It became law without the Governor’s signature last week.
Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder on Wednesday signed legislation designed to benefit firefighters who develop cancer when putting their lives — and lungs — on the line.
“Firefighters who suffer workplace injuries, including cancer, are entitled to all of the benefits offered by our workers compensation system,” “ Given the dangerous work our firefighters do I think a workplace cancer presumption is reasonable.”
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