Fund Will Assist Fire Victims and Firefighters in Kern County
July 8, Los Angeles, CA: Responding to the emergency of deadly wildfires that are currently blazing through communities in Kern County, Fire Family Foundation, the charitable hand of Firefighters First Credit Union, has created the Erskine Fire: Rebuilding Lives and Community Fund.
California’s largest wildfire so far this year, the Erskine fire erupted Thursday afternoon and continues to burn; two people have died, thousands have left their homes, 200 homes were destroyed with many others severely damaged. Four firefighters who were working on the blaze learned the sad news that their own homes were completely destroyed by the fire.
The Erskine Fire Fund will dedicate 100% of the funds raised to be distributed to firefighters and fire victims; funds will be used for short-term assistance to pay expenses for essential and immediate needs from food to mortgages/rent
"Our firefighters are battling this fire in awful conditions, with tremendous heat and heavy winds," explains Mike Mastro, Chair, Fire Family Foundation Board, and CEO/President, Firefighters First Credit Union. "Our commitment is to support our firefighters as well as reach out to those fire victims who are injured or who have experienced a devastating loss from this wildfire. We really want to be that helping hand.”
Fire victims can contact the Foundation via email or at (888) 533-4483.
Fire victims can contact the Foundation via email or at (888) 533-4483.
All donations to the Erskine Fire: Rebuilding Lives and Community Fund are tax deductible. To make a donation, visit, or make checks payable to Fire Family Foundation, 815 Colorado Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90041 with a notation: Erskine Fire: Rebuilding Lives and Community Relief Fund.
Fire Family Foundation responds when tragedy affects firefighters and fire victims. A nonprofit founded by the respected Firefighters First Credit Union, Fire Family Foundation offers immediate assistance to firefighters and their families, fire victims, fire departments, and charities. The Foundation believes that by coming together as a “Fire Family,” assistance can be provided to those impacted by fire.
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