5 Emerging Risks and How to Mitigate Them With each technological advance emerges new risk. Think about it: Every technology upgrade, new mobile device and new payment method brings exposure that wasn’t identified previously. The real threat occurs when these risks aren’t anticipated or communicated within your organization. Here are five emerging risks every credit union should have on their radar right now: Social media. Employees posting comments on social media that are inaccurate or appear incomplete or disparaging can threaten your organization’s reputation. Be careful when taking disciplinary action, as the National Labor Relations Board can classify social media activity as “protected concerted activity.” Mistakes here can lead to retaliation, wrongful termination claims and expensive litigation. Internet of Things (IoT) era . The IoT offers new tools and technologies that provide constant connectivity. It also creates new opportunities for data compromises. Workplace ...
“Great things happen when credit unions serving first responders come together. Our face-to-face and online interaction is the platform where collaboration begins, and GREAT ideas are generated”