By Lyle Adriano Business Insurance Some insurers, like Chubb, are going the extra mile for select policyholders by sending in private firefighters to deal with wildfire threats before they become a problem. Insurer-provided wildfire mitigation services, while nothing new, has been making waves lately following the recent California fires. The extra service is getting so popular, that homeowners who had witnessed their neighbors’ homes being protected by private firefighters were inspired to purchase their own policies to enjoy the same benefits, some insurers said. “The enrolment has taken off dramatically over the years as people have seen us save homes,” Chubb senior executive Paul Krump told The Wall Street Journal . “It’s absolutely growing leaps and bounds.” Dick Fredericks, founding partner of Main Management Fund Advisors LLC in San Francisco and a former US ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein, was one of the fortunate homeowners in Sonoma whose properties were...
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