Does the following scenario occur at your credit union? If it does, we have a solution for you!
A member comes in into your credit union and wants to know if you will loan them a couple of hundred thousand $$$ to buy a building, or can you loan him some seed money to start a new business or purchase equipment for the company they currently own, and you say, “the credit union doesn't do those kinds of loans”.
Does this sound familiar? How many times do you and your staff say NO and literally tell a member to “go down the street or go somewhere else”?
Well, now, you have another option. CU First Responders Finance (CUFR)
CU First Responders Finance, LLC (CUFR) is a partnership between the National Council of Firefighter Credit Unions, Inc. (NCOFCU), and Biz Lending & Insurance Center, Inc. to provide business lending origination programs to NCOFCU member credit unions.
- CUFR will provide you with a turnkey operation so you can provide commercial and member business loans to your members.
CUFR is a partnership between NCOFCU and Biz Lending &
Insurance Center, Inc. For more information call (561) 393-3770 or visit
Grant Sheehan CEO
Grant Sheehan CEO
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