This is not a comprehensive list. In fact, we’d like to hear from others the things that they’ve seen or what they look for. We’re sure our smart readership has some things to add. This is also not a checklist. We’re not suggesting that once you’ve identified all eight of these you’ve found your troubled board. (Notice that some of these are countervailing.) But these are things that show up regularly and have been present when dealing with troubles. How to Spot a Board in Trouble No turnover on the board – Why? Lack of desire for change? Lack of recruiting? Difficulty in recruiting? Contentment with the status quo? Heavy turnover on the board – Again, why? No diversity on the board – this means you really don’t represent the demographics of your membership. (We doubt your field of membership is made up exclusively of 67-year-old white dudes.) The CEO attends all committee meetings – Is this the board’s overreliance on the CEO? Or is this the CEO's inability to ...
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