Many younger consumers have never written a check, and probably never will, yet their checking accounts remain a primary hub for them. As new technologies and apps lead consumers to use these accounts very differently, banks and credit unions need to rethink their checking strategies, especially how they generate revenue. Now that checks have become the payment method of last resort for most consumers, many industry observers argue the term “checking account” is a misnomer and that these accounts — at least as we have known them — will no longer exist in the coming years. While checking accounts remain central to consumers’ lives, they’re now far more driven by mobile devices and digital functionality than actual checks, which even older consumers now use only infrequently. “Younger consumers are less wedded to the term of ‘checking account’ and think of it more as a ‘digital access account,’” says Mark Hamrick, Senior Economic Analyst at “Within five to ten ...
“Great things happen when credit unions serving first responders come together. Our face-to-face and online interaction is the platform where collaboration begins, and GREAT ideas are generated”