Active Shooter - Unfortunately due to the recent workplace shooting in a bank by a disgruntled employee, it is a good time to review your Active shooter plan.

Unfortunately due to the recent workplace shooting in a bank by a disgruntled employee, it is a good time to review your Active shooter plan.

A disaster/emergency occurs somewhere in the world almost daily, but these events vary considerably in scope, size, and context.

How quickly your company can get back to business after a tornado, a fire or flood or a terrorist attack often depends on emergency planning done today.

While these incidents have led to an increase in general emergency/disaster awareness, the relative infrequency of major catastrophes affecting defined populations leads to a certain degree of complacency and underestimation of the impact of such an event.

A key way to cope with an emergency/disaster or active shooter is to have a plan. Know how to react before, during, and after an emergency/disaster. Know the threats that could affect where you live, work, and go to school.

To refresh your business emergency/continuity plan. Take a minute and watch the Active Shooter Video and download FEMA’s  “Every Business Should Have a Plan”  

It is never too early to plan and re-plan for a disaster or active shooter!

The following is a PowerPoint presentation from our 2021 conference  provided by CUNA Mutual
