members of CUNA and NAFCU will receive ballots to vote on the proposed
merger of the two associations to form America’s Credit Unions. The vote
will remain open for 60 days.
“The formation of America’s Credit Unions will be an opportunity to better serve our collective membership, lead the industry into the future, and ensure the growth and prosperity of all credit unions. America’s Credit Unions will maximize value and efficiency for members, while remaining focused on providing relentless advocacy, unparalleled compliance assistance, and impactful educational events,” wrote NAFCU Board of Directors Chair Gary Grinnell and CUNA Board of Directors Chair Lisa Ginter in messages to member CEOs ahead of the vote.
Members were asked to whitelist the electronic ballot email; please check your inbox for these messages and reach out to NAFCU Member Services via email or at 800.344.5580 with questions.
Additional details on the Transition Board of Directors and dues structure can be found online. Credit unions are encouraged to continue providing feedback throughout the vote period. CUNA and NAFCU will keep members informed of developments.
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