Seattle WA 9/20/18 These prestigious awards are presented annually recognizing a credit union professional and volunteer whose career best embodies the National Council of Firefighter Credit Unions Inc (NCOFCU) mission. The recipients will have demonstrated support for the credit union philosophy of “people helping people” and organized and/or provided significant assistance to their credit unions needs which constructively impacted the growth, image and/or service capacity of their credit union. Volunteer of the Year Michael McCormick V Chairman San Diego Firefighters FCU Mike has been a volunteer at the credit union for the past 20 years and is currently the Vice-Chairman of the credit union's Board of Directors. Mike is also on the Board of the NCOFCU. Mike has been a great advocate for the credit union over these past 20 years and has attended numerous educational conference on behalf of the credit union. He has also been a valued member of the ALCO committe...
“Great things happen when credit unions serving first responders come together. Our face-to-face and online interaction is the platform where collaboration begins, and GREAT ideas are generated”