Although the Texas Credit Union Department said conservatorship for the $106 million Edinburg Teachers Credit Union was necessary to protect the public interest, the regulator cited no specific reason – not even the usual unsafe or unsound practices – for taking over the credit union. The Texas regulator appointed the NCUA as the conservator to the Edinburg, Texas-based credit union. The announcement from the independent federal agency that it was appointed conservator was released shortly before 6 p.m. EST on Friday. While ETCU’s financial performance reports showed the credit union was not struggling financially or losing money, the credit union’s 2019 IRS 990 return showed that its former President/CEO Jeffrey B. Moats was paid a total compensation of $1,611,821, which was four times the median base salary and bonus pay for CEOs across all asset sizes in 2019. According to the 2020 CUES Executive Compensation Survey, the median base salary and bonus compensation package totaled $412...
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