IMPORTANT NOTICE – MANDATORY E-FILING May 7, 2012 REMINDER – In a notice dated February 24, 2012 1 , the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) announced, that in an effort to improve efficiency; reduce government and industry costs; and enhance the ability of investigators, analysts, and examiners to gain better and more timely access to information; that it is adopting a requirement that all financial institutions subject to Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) reporting use electronic filing (E-Filing) for certain FinCEN reports beginning no later than July 1, 2012. BSA E-Filing ( BSA E-Filing System ) BSA E-Filing, which is provided free of charge, offers streamlined BSA information submission; faster routing of information to law enforcement; greater data security and privacy compared with paper forms; long-term cost savings to institutions, individuals, and the government; and ensures compatibility with future v...