Boston First Responders Fund for the Victims of the Boston Marathon Terrorist Attack
The Boston’s First Responders Fund was established at the Boston Firefighters Credit Union to benefit the victims of the Boston Marathon Terrorism Attack.“Yesterday was a sad day for the city of Boston, our state and our nation,” said Edward Kelly, president of the Professional Firefighters of Massachusetts, and speaking on behalf of the participating unions. “Yesterday we cared for the victims and today we want to take care of them moving forward. To the families of the victims of yesterday’s tragedy, we can never bring your loved ones back or take away the injuries you sustained from this attack. This Fund is one way to hopefully provide comfort in your time of need.”
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Organizations involved:
- Professional Firefighters of Massachusetts (PFFM)
- Boston Fire Local 718
- Boston Police Patrolman’s Association (BPPA)
- Boston Police Patrolman’s Association (BPPA) – EMS Division
- Boston Superior Officers Federation
- Boston Police Detectives Benevolent Society
When: 4-16-2013
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