By Frank J. Diekmann - Frank is a Keynote speaker at this year's New Orleans Conference. As I was placing my bag in the trunk of my Uber at the San Antonio airport last week, I couldn’t help noting his license tag began with “CU.” Occupational hazard, I suppose, but I immediately wondered if he was a member or had worked at a credit union, or, who knows, maybe a CU had financed the car. Two minutes into the ride downtown—thank you, San Antonio, for not only not burying your river in a pipe but also for having an airport that isn’t another flight away from the city center—the driver asked the Uber-driver-mandated question about why I was in town. “I’m here to speak to a credit union conference,” I responded. And given the...
“Great things happen when credit unions serving first responders come together. Our face-to-face and online interaction is the platform where collaboration begins, and GREAT ideas are generated”